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Backbone Issue Sync 5.10.0

July 2023

The Backbone team is pleased to introduce Backbone Issue Sync 5.10.0.

This release includes the support of Jira 9.13 and up as well as some bug fixes.

Support of Jira 9.13 and up

Due to changes in the new Jira versions, we had to make some changes to make sure the behind firewall synchronizations would keep working. To do that, we’ve created a new Backbone version. Therefore, there are now the following three versions:

  • 5.10.0-Pre85

  • 5.10.0-85to912

  • 5.10.0

The right version should be picked automatically, but to get an overview of which version you should use:

Jira Version

Backbone Version (example with 5.10.0)

8.4.x and below


8.5.0 - 8.5.3, 8.6.0, 8.6.1, 8.7.0, 8.7.1


8.5.4, 8.7.2 (and higher patch version)


8.8.0 - 9.12.x


9.13 and higher


Behind Firewall Email Exchange Google/Outlook Deprecation

Backbone Issue Sync will no longer support email exchange for Gmail and Exchange Online due to the disabling of basic authentication. Backbone won’t be able to connect to these email services. This will be in affect by the following dates:

  • Google/Gmail: starting September 30, 2024.

  • Exchange Online: already in place since December 31, 2022.

To still make use of the behind firewall setup, you will need to either switch to another email provider or use the file-based synchronization.


Do you have questions, or is something not working as expected? Please let us know by creating a ticket in our support system or emailing

All updates and fixes in this release

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