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You can configure Backbone to automatically send an email notification whenever a synchronization error occurs. This article describes where and how to configure these notifications.

Configure who gets notifications

You can activate notifications – and select who gets them – on the Notifications tab of the synchronization configuration screen: 

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 15.12.32.png

Recipients will only receive notifications for errors in the project they are listed in. To start editing the recipient list, in the Actions column click ••• > Edit email recipients .

Individual issue sync failure

Recipients will receive a notification when an error occurs for incoming and outgoing changes of an issue. 

Complete sync failure

Recipients will receive a notification when there are license errors in the synchronization or when the other Jira can’t be reached (for example, if Jira is offline). The latter is only sent after trying to connect multiple times and still failing.

Draft actions

When using the “Review” mode, recipients will receive a notification when a draft has been received or a send draft has been accepted/declined.

Recipient selection – best practices

As a minimum, we recommend configuring notifications to be sent to:

  • The person responsible for managing the synchronization

  • One or two substitutes (with the 'Administer project' permission) in case the synchronization manager is not available

You can add further recipients, but we recommend that you only send them to Project Admins with experience in troubleshooting and solving Backbone errors.

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