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Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.17-AC

December 2024

We're excited to announce the release of Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.17.

This update includes different bug fixes which hindered you from saving a history fieldmapping or lead to faulty behavior when syncing comments or attachments.

Bug fix: History fieldmapping could not be saved

Previously, Backbone failed to save the fieldmapping for the history field, because the Cloud response is different from the expected response on Server

Bug fix: Comments getting synced instead of being ignored

We fixed a bug that lead to comments being synced from a Software Project to an internal comment in a JSM project, if a customer request type was set, even when the synchronization was setup in a way so that the comments should have been ignored and not synced.

Bug fix: Attachments sometimes not synced

We have identified an issue that affects the synchronization of attachments within our system. This issue can cause some attachments to fail to sync properly, and errors related to this failure are not displayed in the troubleshooting window of Backbone. This often leads to silent failures, with you not realizing that synchronization to an issue has stopped.


Do you have questions, or is something not working as expected? Please let us know by creating a ticket in our help center or emailing

All Updates and Fixes in This Release

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