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Backbone Issue Sync 3.0.80-AC

April 2022

The Backbone team is pleased to introduce Backbone Issue Sync 3.0.80-AC. 

This release comes with a new feature to automatically pair issues, new field mappings, and bug fixes. Besides that, we've also implemented tracking user behaviour to allow better product decisions based on these insights - you can opt out of this at anytime.

Automatically Pair Issues

Usually when you create a synchronization, Backbone will create a new issue and keep those two in sync. In some cases though, you already have both issues and you want to have those in sync. With Backbone you can now automatically pair issues so that they are linked. You can do this based on:

  1. Issue key (PA-11)

  2. Issue number (11)

  3. Summary

This can be especially helpful in the following cases:

  • You have been manually keeping issues in sync in two projects

  • You are (in phases) migrating to cloud and would like to keep the cloud and server projects in sync

  • You want to migrate multiple issue synchronizations to Backbone after you have been using a different synchronization solution

Additional Field Mappings

This release comes with additional field mappings for the following:

  • Multi user field <> Multi user field (passthrough based on e-mail)

  • Organization > Single Select

  • Organization > Labels


Backbone Issue Sync, from this release on, tracks user behavior to allow better product decisions based on these insights. This includes for example how often certain features are used and how they are used. This data is anonymized so we cannot identify the end user this data relates to. It is exclusively used to improve our service. You can of course also opt out on this feature under manage apps > Backbone Issue Sync > Settings > Disable Data Collection Consent. You can find more information here.


Do you have questions or something is not working as expected? Please let us know and create a ticket in our support system or write an email to

All updates and fixes in this release

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