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Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.4-AC

May 2024

We're thrilled to announce the release of Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.4-AC, addressing bug fixes and enhancing your syncing experience.

Data Residency Migrations

We’ve found out that some data residency migrations failed although Jira still recognized the migrations as successful. This release fixes these migration failures so that the migrations run smoothly. If you encountered some troubles after pinning Backbone to the EU region recently, please reach out to us.

Version Sync Enhancement

Addressing user feedback, version sync now works reliably, resolving instances where it previously encountered issues.

Thank you for choosing Backbone Issue Sync. We're committed to continually improving your syncing experience.


Do you have questions, or is something not working as expected? Please let us know and create a ticket in our support system or email

All Updates and Fixes in This Release

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