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Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.5-AC

May 2024

We're thrilled to announce the release of Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.5-AC, addressing urgent bug fixes.

Data Residency Migrations

We discovered that some data residency migrations resulted in authentication problems when synchronizing issues. This release fixes the issue. If you have recently pinned your Backbone installation and are still affected by authentication problems, please get in touch with us.

Correlation Field Bug

With the last release, we added better support for synchronizing parent links. However, this introduced a bug that stopped issues from syncing if:

  • They contained an epic link or parent change in their history and

  • The synchronization used the advanced setting for a correlation field.

This release fixes the bug.

Thank you for choosing Backbone Issue Sync. We're committed to continually improving your syncing experience.


Do you have questions, or is something not working as expected? Please let us know by creating a ticket in our help center or emailing

All Updates and Fixes in This Release

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