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Handling Personal Data

Backbone allows the synchronization of a wide range of Jira issue fields. This includes standard text fields like Summary or Description, but also user fields like Assignee or Reporter containing personal data. If you choose to synchronize personal data with Backbone, we do our best to handle this data with special care. However, there might be situations where you have to judge yourself if the data exchange complies with your organisation's policies or your country's laws and what additional measures you might need to introduce.

Backbone will synchronize data based on your synchronization configuration. It will export the data from the source project and import it into the target project. Between the export and import of the data, Backbone is responsible for the data. After a synchronization is done, the responsibility is within the target project.

Data handling during the synchronization

Between the export and import of your data, Backbone may temporarily store the issue data in a backend managed by K15t. This happens in cases when the changes cannot be imported in the target project and result in troubleshooting entries in the Backbone UI. If you configured to exchange personal data, Backbone does not store the actual personal data, but rather a reference to the data (Atlassian Account ID) to retrieve it as needed. Affected are e.g. mappings for the following fields: Assignee, Reporter and Watchers, but also custom fields for user data.

However, if you store personal data also inside fields not designed for personal data, e.g. customer names in the description, Backbone does not treat this data as personal data. Please make sure that this complies with your policies or introduce organizational measures to reach that state.

Data handling after the synchronization

After the data has been synchronized into the target project, it is not under Backbone's control anymore. This means for example, the data could be further processed in the target project. If the target project is on the same Jira instance or in an instance under your control, this is usually not a problem for you. However, if you synchronized personal data with Backbone into another Jira which is not under your control, you should consider if you want to introduce a (manual) process in order to delete data which should not be existent in the target Jira anymore, e.g. if you want to delete all the personal data for a certain user.

Further information

If you want to know more how Backbone handles data, please read our Data Security Statement.

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