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Pair more than 1,000 issues

Backbone has a limit how many issues you can pair at once due to rate limiting restrictions with the option "Pair existing issues synced with Backbone before". This page describes a workaround how you can still pair more than 1,000 issues.

Please watch BAC-1619 if you want to get notified when this workaround is no longer needed.

  1. Go to the synchronization detail view
  2. Create the JSON by clicking on the three dot icon in the top-right of the screen > Download synchronized issues. You get one file, named *_sync_info_pairs.json.
  3. Format the JSON file in a text editor of your choice or via an online tool. It should then look like this:

                "connectorKey": "TA-762913039452536852100184758052",
                "localIssueKey": "TA-1",
                "remoteIssueKey": "TB-1",
                "firstSyncDate": 1662555409379,
                "lastOutgoingChange": 1662555409380,
                "lastChangeSeen": 1662555394310,
                "outgoingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "lastIncomingChange": 1662555429064,
                "incomingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "incomingChangesIgnored": false
                "connectorKey": "TA-762913039452536852100184758052",
                "localIssueKey": "TA-2",
                "remoteIssueKey": "TB-2",
                "firstSyncDate": 1662555414204,
                "lastOutgoingChange": 1662555414204,
                "lastChangeSeen": 1662555410937,
                "outgoingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "lastIncomingChange": 1662555431717,
                "incomingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "incomingChangesIgnored": false
                "connectorKey": "TB-369665670582802203342271129203",
                "localIssueKey": "TB-2",
                "remoteIssueKey": "TA-2",
                "firstSyncDate": 1662555425575,
                "lastOutgoingChange": 1662555430045,
                "lastChangeSeen": 1662555426959,
                "outgoingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "lastIncomingChange": 1662555428530,
                "incomingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "incomingChangesIgnored": false
                "connectorKey": "TB-369665670582802203342271129203",
                "localIssueKey": "TB-1",
                "remoteIssueKey": "TA-1",
                "firstSyncDate": 1662555425575,
                "lastOutgoingChange": 1662555430045,
                "lastChangeSeen": 1662555426959,
                "outgoingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "lastIncomingChange": 1662555428530,
                "incomingMessageSequenceId": 1,
                "incomingChangesIgnored": false

    This file contains two entries for each issue (for each project side). One entry looks like this:

         "connectorKey": "TA-762913039452536852100184758052",
          "localIssueKey": "TA-1",
          "remoteIssueKey": "TB-1",
          "firstSyncDate": 1662555409379,
          "lastOutgoingChange": 1662555409380,
          "lastChangeSeen": 1662555394310,
          "outgoingMessageSequenceId": 1,
          "lastIncomingChange": 1662555429064,
          "incomingMessageSequenceId": 1,
          "incomingChangesIgnored": false
  4. In order to workaround the upload limit, you need to split this file up into several files so that it only contains max. 1,000 entries. In order to ease the split process, you can also use this python script and call it via:

    python -f your-mapping.json
  5. Go to the synchronization where you want to pair the issues
    • Make sure that the configuration of this synchronization matches the previous one
  6. Ensure that the synchronization is stopped.
  7. Click the three dot icon > Pair existing issues
    • Select the option "pair existing issues synced with Backbone before"
    • Use this method to upload all the files you've split the big one into.
  8. Start the synchronization again 
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