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Resolution cannot be chosen


An issue does not get synchronized and appears in the troubleshooting section with the category 'resolution cannot be chosen' and a message containing, e.g. 'the selected resolution cannot be chosen during this action'.


The resolution is set by a transition that is restricted from setting certain transitions using the transition property 'jira.field.resolution.include'.

For more information concerning the properties and how to set them click here.


The following steps should be done in order to resolve this problem.

  1. go to the project administration page of the project where the transition failed
  2. click on Workflows
  3. edit the workflow for the corresponding issue type and look for the failing transition
  4. click on it and see if there are any Properties
  5. click on Properties
    • delete the property 'jira.field.resolution.include' to allow all resolutions
    • or add the missing resolution to the list
  6. After fixing your configuration...
    • ... please perform a retry if you have only changed your JIRA or backbone configuration on the receiver project.
    • ... please perform a resync if you have done changes on the sender project.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.