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Bundled Rulesets

Scroll Content Quality ships with pre-built rulesets so you can get up and running quickly. Based on customer feedback and our long experience using Confluence for documentation, our bundled rulesets allow for helpful functionality from checking for broken links to making suggestions for how to use more inclusive language and avoid business jargon.

Our Documentation Style Checker also provides rules to help ensure clear, concise, and uniformly-styled documentation and is inspired by our K15t internal style guide. Of course, the way we do things may not be the right fit for you, so it’s super easy to make a copy of the bundled rulesets and customize them to your heart’s content!

Finally, we also offer rulesets specifically tailored to users of Scroll Viewport and our Scroll Exporter apps (Scroll PDF Exporter, Scroll Word Exporter, and Scroll HTML Exporter). These rulesets give advice about best practices and make sure content contributors have properly configured macros and page elements so everything works together smoothly.


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