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Share a Link to a Version

Share unique links with Confluence users so they can view a specific version of a document.

To share a document with someone outside your Confluence system, you can Export to PDF, Word, or HTML or publish it to a help center on the web.

How to Create a Link to a Specific Version

Get a link you can share with other Confluence users to direct them to a specific version of a document.

Start by navigating to the Document Manager:

  1. Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  2. From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.


  1. From a page in a document, click Document toolbox.

  2. Click on the cog icon.

When you are in the Document Manager:

  1. Find the version you want to share.

  2. Click Share.

  3. Select Copy Link.

Share version action selected in Document Manager

How to Create a Link to the Latest Version

Get a link you can share with other Confluence users that always directs them to the latest version of a document with a status of “Approved”.

Start with navigating to the Document Manager:

  1. Click Scroll Documents from the Apps section in your space sidebar.

  2. From the Document Library, click the document card of a document.


  1. From a page in a document, click Document toolbox.

  2. Click on the cog icon.

When you are in the Document Manager, follow the steps below:

  1. For the version you want to link to, click the Share button in the Actions column and select Copy Link.
    The URL for your document should look something like this:

  2. Replace the last part with /latestApproved, to the end of the URL like this:


To link to the latest saved version of the document (irrespective of the document status), replace the last part with /latest at the end of the URL instead.

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