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Update Cover Images of Your Documents

Scroll Documents allows you to personalize your documents by adding a cover image. You can use the images that come with the product (out-of-the-box images), or add your own images.

Scroll Documents only support the following image formats:

  • .jpg

  • .jpeg

  • .png

Update the Cover Image

To update the cover image of your document follow these steps:

  1. Click on Scroll Documents in the Apps section

  2. From the Document Library, click on the document this should take you to the Document Manager

  3. Click More document actions (•••) → Edit

  4. Click Change image, from here you can choose between the options:

    Displays edit document details dialog

    • Gallery if you want to use a default image.

      Displays change cover dialog

    • Upload image if you want to upload and use a custom image.

      Displays Upload Image dialogue
  5. Click Save when you are done.

Well done! You have successfully updated the cover image of your document.

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