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Migration Path

To migrate Scroll Documents from Server or Data Center to Cloud, follow the steps outlined in this article.


  • Confluence Server instance (contains the Scroll Documents you want to migrate)

  • Confluence Cloud instance with Scroll Documents installed

  • Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant 3.3.3 or above

Things To Keep in Mind

The history of Read Requests and Confirmations for your documents will not be available on Cloud after a manual migration. We will be providing a fix for this soon. Until then, please watch the following issue to be notified of any updates: DOCS-111

During Migration

Since Scroll Documents will be automatically migrated via the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant, you will simply need to follow the Confluence Migration Guide -  

Step-1: plan your migration

Step-2: assess and install apps

  • In this step, make sure that you mark Scroll Documents as Needed on Cloud

    Assess your apps step in Atlassian's Migration Assistant

  • When you get to the final step, simply click Done

    Agree to start the process of migrating the app

Step-3: manage your migration

  • In the Choose what to migrate step, make sure you select all spaces in which you have created documents.

    The Choose what to migrate step in Atlassian's Migration Assistant

  • Once you have selected the spaces, proceed with the migration normally.

After Migration

Once you have successfully migrated, navigate to the corresponding spaces in your cloud site and confirm that all the documents and their versions are available. As a next step, you will need to set up the right permissions in each space to be able to create read requests.

Setup permissions for read requests

You can ignore this step if you do not use the Read Request feature

On cloud, you get more granular control over who can create, edit, and delete read requests in a space. You can control this by setting the right space permissions. Unfortunately, due to a bug in Confluence these permissions are not set automatically and therefore need to be added manually.

  1. In your space, navigate to Space Settings → Permissions

  2. Now you are in the Permissions screen.  Click on the Add-on tab as highlighted in the screenshot

    Click Add-on to access the read request permissions


  3. Provide the right permissions to the users and groups 

    Permissions overview for read requests

    Note: Provide View/Add/Delete Document Read Confirmation permission to anyone you wish to send read requests. Otherwise they will not be able to respond to your requests.

If you plan to use Scroll Documents' read request feature on Cloud, note that only users who have made their email accessible to the app will receive email notifications when they are added as readers to a request.

Still Unclear? Reach Out to Us

If you need help with any of these migration steps, reach out to us via

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