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Working with XLIFF

In this article, you'll learn more about how XLIFF is used in Translations for Scroll Documents.

Before reading on, make sure you've learned about the basics of external translation.

XLIFF ZIP File Structure

When exporting a document (version) as an XLIFF file, an .xlf file is created for each page. Both the export and import required the individual files to be within a ZIP archive, on top level.

The ZIP archive and individual XLIFF files are named with the following structure: 

ZIP: Document_Name_sourceLanguageKey
XLIFF: Page_Name_sourceLanguageKey

The file names don't need to be adjusted after they have been translated.

Translated Macros and Parameters

The XLIFF export generally includes body content of bodied macros, with some notable exceptions, for example the Code macro. Besides that, macro parameters are translated on an allowlist basis as documented below.

Confluence macros


Translated parameters

Body translated


  • Title

  • Subtitle

No (error)


  • Title

No (error)

Content by label

  • Title


Create from template

  • Button label



  • Title

Yes (tick)


  • Title


Live search

  • Placeholder


Navigation map

  • Title


Page properties


No (error)

Page properties report

  • Title column heading


Panel macros (Panel, Info, Note, Tip, Warning)

  • Title

Yes (tick)


  • Title


Scroll App macros


Translated parameters

Body translated

Scroll Title

  • Title


Scroll Export Button

  • Caption


Viewport Tab

  • Title

Yes (tick)

Viewport Meta Tag

  • Share title

  • Share description


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