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How Does Scroll Documents Handle Different Content Types?

When creating a space in Confluence, you can add different types of content. These are called "content types" and can be found when you click + Create. The available content types are:

  • Page (standard Confluence page or Live-edit page)

  • Whiteboard

  • Database

  • Blog

  • Smart Link

What is important to note is that Scroll Documents is designed for use with standard Confluence pages. Using Scroll Documents with other content types may cause issues. The table below shows the different Confluence content types and explains what happens when you try to use them with Scroll Documents:

Content type

Behavior when used with Scroll Documents

Live-edit pages

Scroll Documents is unable to manage live-edit pages. If you save a version containing a live-edit page, the content will not be transferred to the saved version.

Blog posts

Scroll Documents cannot be enabled on blog posts.


Placing a Whiteboard in a Scroll Document prevents you from saving versions.


Placing a Database in a Scroll Document prevents you from saving versions.

Smart Link

Smart Link content types will not be copied when saving a version.

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