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Migrate to Confluence Cloud

Atlassian announced major changes to its Server and Data Center offerings which heavily impact many long-term users of Atlassian software. Starting in February 2021, Atlassian has:

  • Ended the sale of new Server licenses 

  • Increased maintenance prices for existing Server and Data Center licenses

With these changes, the subject of migrating to Atlassian Cloud has become a priority for many of our app users. The good news is Scroll Documents maintains feature parity between its Server and Cloud versions, so there are no signifiant differences between the apps. 

But before starting a Cloud migration, it is important to clarify some key points in order to go into the migration with the right expectations:

  • Feature parityScroll Documents is available on all three platforms - Confluence Server, Data Center, and Cloud. While functionality is the same on all platforms, integrations with other apps vary per platform.

  • Migration availability: Scroll Documents will be migrated automatically when you migrate your spaces using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistance.

A more detailed feature comparison as well as a manual migration path for Scroll Documents is available on the following pages:

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