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Scroll Documents 3.22.0

Scroll Documents 3.22.0 is a feature release that introduces the Publish to Confluence feature enabling you to author and publish within your Confluence instance to serve a internal audience.

Publish to Confluence

Publishing to Confluence is a classic feature of the Scroll content management apps, and now it finally makes its way into our next-generation apps based on Scroll Documents. Until now, Scroll Documents primarily assisted users of Scroll Exporters or Scroll Viewport in sharing their content with audiences outside of Confluence. With the introduction of the Publish to Confluence feature, delivering content to internal audiences is now natively supported.

With this addition to Scroll Documents, authors can now create or update internal content assets such as

  • employee handbooks,

  • internal policies,

  • internal knowledge bases, or

  • knowledge bases for your Jira Service Management-based product support desk

in a private authoring space. Once a new version of the content is ready to be shared, it can be published or updated all at once. We ensure that all pages retain their established URLs and previously added comments, providing a consistent location in Confluence where the internal audience can access and consume the content.

For more details on how to use the new publishing feature, please check out this article.

All Changes in this Release

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