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Copy Properties When Saving Versions

When saving a version, Scroll Documents creates snapshots of page trees and their content. In a setup that uses other third-party apps however, oftentimes just copying the pages and the content might be insufficient to create a full copy of the original page tree, as some app information can be stored as JSON content properties.

In order to make sure these properties are also applied to the pages in the newly saved version, Scroll Documents allows you to specify which properties are to be copied when saving a new version. To configure the list of properties to be copied, navigate to General Configuration > Scroll Documents > Settings and locate the section Content Properties to copy.


The specified property will make sure the setting added by Numbered Headings will persist in the saved version.

The properties can either be specified literally by adding their exact key or you can use a Regex expression in order to copy variable property keys that might share a prefix or postfix. In both cases, the matches content property key and its value will be copied to the corresponding page in the saved version.

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