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Export and Publish Translations

Share your translated documentation by publishing it to dedicated Confluence spaces, creating an online help center with Scroll Viewport, or generating offline manuals using Scroll Exporter apps.

Export to PDF, Word or HTML Files

Using Scroll Documents' integration with Scroll PDF Exporter, Scroll Word Exporter or Scroll HTML Exporter you can export your translations as PDF, Word, or HTML files with complete control over styling.

To learn more, see: Export to PDF, Word, or HTML

Publish as an Online Help Center

Using Scroll Documents' integration with Scroll Viewport, you can publish your translations to a fully customizable online help center.

If you add more than one language to your help center, your users will be able to navigate to their language using a language picker in the footer of the site.

Learn how to: Publish to a Scroll Viewport Site

Publish to a Confluence Space

Use Scroll Documents' Publish to Confluence feature to publish your translations to dedicated read-only spaces within Confluence. You can publish multiple languages to the same space, but only one at a time.

To learn more, see: Publish to Confluence

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