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Track Page Statuses

Scroll Documents does not have a built-in workflow feature. However, for users with Confluence Premium on Cloud, combining Confluence automations, Confluence's page statuses and the Filter by Label macro provides a solution to track page statuses.

To set this up, you can configure an automation that assigns specific labels to pages based on their page status. Then, create a report page and place it outside of your document, insert the Filter by Label macro and limit it to only filter for pages in the Working version. This macro provides a comprehensive snapshot of your document's progress by generating an overview of page statuses.

Again, although this method functions as a temporary solution, it is specifically accessible for Cloud premium users. It provides an efficient way of managing workflows in Scroll Documents until more advanced workflow support is made available

How To Set up the Automation

To set up and start tracking your page statuses, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Automation.

  2. Click on Create rule to initiate the setup process.

  3. Add the trigger Page status changed.

  4. From the dropdown menu, select the status "Rough draft” and click Next to proceed.

  5. Now, lets add an action by clicking THEN: Add an action.

  6. Search for "Add label" and select it.

  7. Assign a label that corresponds to the page status, such as "rough-draft” and click Next to continue.

  8. In the next steps, we'll add conditions to remove labels associated with other page statuses to ensure the page only has one status label at the time. Click Add component to add another action.

    (info) Note: It’s recommended to only have one workflow label on your page to avoid confusion when tracking the state of the page.

  9. Select THEN: Add an action from the options.

  10. Search for "Remove label."

  11. Include any other workflow labels that should not coexist with "rough-draft" as a label and click Next to proceed.

  12. Make sure to turn on the rule by selecting Turn on rule.

  13. Provide a name for the rule and choose who can edit it.

  14. Once done, click Turn on rule to activate it.

  15. Repeat steps 2 to 14 for each page status, creating a suitable label for each.

  16. After setting up the automation, test it out on a few pages to ensure it is functioning correctly.

Remember, after changing the page status, you may need to reload your browser to ensure the labels have been updated accordingly.

How To Set up the Tracking Page

To set up a tracking page follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new page outside of your Scroll Document (on top level above the root page of your Working version).

  2. In the editor type / and search for the “Filter by Label” macro.

  3. Add the labels your defined in your automation rules such as “rough-draft.”

  4. Click Add filter(s).

  5. Select Parent page and search for the root page of your Working version.

  6. Click Insert when you are done.

Well done!

You have successfully created your own automation and tracking page.

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