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Define Template Settings

The template editor's Template Settings tab contains several customization options to setup the desired format for the export template.

An overview of these options is provided below:



Template Name

  • Define a name for the template. The template's name can be changed in the template header where the Save and Close buttons are located

Export Default Settings

  • Define the default export scope for your template

    • This page and it's children - this will export the whole Confluence page tree

    • Only this page - this will export a single Confluence page


  • Sets the language for the text used in placeholder content. For example, the Export date placeholder, when defined to print the month name in full text, will use this set language for the translation. 

Template Customization

  • When Allow template customization is enabled, this will include additional files in the export that can be used to add custom styling.

  • Please note, no support can be offered with custom styling. Customizing an export can affect styles and functionality of the final HTML files. Therefore, we can’t offer support for any issues caused by the customization.

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