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Export to HTML

By using the Help Center export template included with Scroll HTML Exporter you can straight away export your Confluence content to HTML format.

Simply open the page you want to export, then click page tools ••• > Export with Scroll HTML Exporter. A dialogue box will then open where you can define the export scope to either:

  • This page and its children – export the page you start the export from and all the saved child pages

  • Only this page – export only the page you start the export from

  • Scroll Document export the entire document associated with the selected page (only available when using Scroll Documents). This also applies to Variant, Version, and Language information.


Export Dialogue

After selecting your desired template and choosing your export scope, you can then click Show Details to display further customizable options.

These options are set by default in the chosen template but can be changed prior to exporting and include:




  • Include/Exclude - define page labels in the template that correspond with page labels on your Confluence pages to include/exclude child pages from the exported page tree (learn more)


  • Enable links to external websites - if checked, web links in the export will be clickable

  • Open links to external websites in a new tab - if checked, web links will be opened in a new browser tab

  • Enable links to Confluence - if checked, links to your Confluence site will be clickable

  • Export only the last published versions of the page - requires Comala Document Management, see our related documentation (Data Center Only)

  • Hide the workflow header and footer - requires Comala Document Management, see our related documentation (Data Center Only)

  • Attachments - if the option Embed referenced attachments is checked, the generated export will contain the attachments included on the exported pages


  • Show 'Table Of Content' macro output - if checked, the Confluence Table of Contents macro will be included in the export

  • Show 'Children' macro output - if checked, the Confluence Children Display macro (if added to the page) will be included in the export

  • Convert Office macros to file thumbnails - if enabled, "Office Excel", "Office Powerpoint" and "Office Word" macros will be replaced by thumbnail images of the corresponding files. Otherwise the macro output will be exported.


  • Use image captions and titles as figure captions - if checked, captions set on the Confluence page for an image will be defined as figure captions in the export

  • Figure caption position - if an image is assigned a caption using the Scroll Title macro, you can select whether to display that caption before or after the image

  • Table caption position - if a table is assigned a caption using the Scroll Title macro, you can select whether to display that caption before or after the table

  • Code block caption position - if a Code block macro is assigned a caption using the Scroll Title macro, you can select whether to display that caption before or after the Code block

  • Equation caption position - if an equation macro (ie. LaTex Math) is assigned a caption using the Scroll Title macro, you can select whether to display that caption before or after the equation

File options

  • Export filename - define placeholders and/or text for the filename to be used in the generated PDF. Selecting the + icon provides a selection of placeholders that can be used. If this field is empty, the filename will revert to the default. i.e. Document Title-Document Revision-Export date

  • HTML filenames - add placeholder and/or text to define the filenames for the individual HTML files for the generated export.

  • White space handling - define how white spaces are handled in the filenames for the generated HTML files. Users can either choose to keep the white space, replace the white space with an underscore or hyphen, or remove the white space completely.

  • Special characters in HTML filenames - define how special characters are handled in the filenames for the generated HTML files. Special characters can either be replaced with ASCII characters or preserved as non-ASCII characters.

Search Index

  • When Build Search Index is enabled, a full text search index is generated and included in the final HTML archive.

After selecting your preferences, simply click the Export button to generate the HTML file. 

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