On the Styles tab, you can define how specific macros will be formatted in your exports.
Apply Macro Styles
In the Macros section of the template editor panel, you can define the default styling for macros on your pages. Styles can be applied to the following macros:
When you export Confluence content, it will be styled in accordance with the styles configured on this screen. For example, if you change the border color to blue for the Info macro, all the corresponding Info macros will have a blue border when exported from Confluence:
The inbuilt template editor contains a Preview section which offers a live view for your chosen styling choices – these automatically appear as you make edits.
Modify styles
Macro styles can be modified in a number of ways – you can change the following properties:
(Panel & Code Snippet macros only)
Margins (pt)
Apply a margin to the top, bottom, left and/or right of the macro. This is applied to both the Title and Body sections
Title / Body
Select which section of the macro you need to style
Overwrite style of
Define whether Paragraph and List styles contained within a macro are overwritten with a new style to that already set in the template
Choose a font from the available bundled fonts, or add a custom font
Please note, this option is not available for the Code Block macro
Define a font style - options include, Light/Regular/Bold, plus Italics & Underlined
Size (pt)
Select the font size in point units (pt)
Please note, this option is not available for the Code Block macro
Line height (%)
Set the line height percentage for text included in the macro
Choose the color of your font
#HEX, RGB and HSL color codes are supported
Please note, this option is not available for the Code Block macro
Decide whether the text style is Capitalised, UPPERCASE or lowercase
Icon (only for Warning, Note, Tip, Info)
Choose whether an admonition macro (Warning, Note, Tip, Info) displays the default icon or alternatively, upload a custom image
Icon size (only for Warning, Note, Tip, Info)
Set the size for your chosen icon
Icon color
When enabled, define the color of the icon for an admonition macro
#HEX, RGB and HSL color codes are supported
Set an alignment for the content - left, center, right or justified
Margin (mm)
Set the margins in point units (pt) for the specific macro
Padding (mm)
Determine the amount of padding in point units (pt) for the text/icon in the macro
Specify whether the macro has a background color
Background color
Choose the background color for the macro
#HEX, RGB and HSL color codes are supported
Please note, this option is not available for the Code Snippet macro
(Table / Figure Captions only)
Level style
Select the numbering style for the caption. The live preview will update the Table of Tables and Table of Figures styles accordingly – see the Style text doc for more information.
Add a prefix (before) the caption style
Add a suffix (after) the caption style
Indent (pt)
Define the amount of indentation in point units (pt) between the numbering and the caption
Pick a border side to style
Select the border style for the macro
Styles include; Solid, Dotted or Dashed
Strength (pt)
Define the strength of the border style
Border Radius (pt)
Set the amount of border radius to apply curved edges
Border color
Choose the border color for the macro
#HEX, RGB and HSL color codes are supported
Next steps
Now you have styled your Confluence macros, you can define the structure of your template – and fine-tune the design – on the 'Document Sections' tab.
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