Page Tree and Macro Performance in Versioned Spaces
Enabling Scroll Versions in a Confluence space introduces a Scroll page tree to manage versioned pages. This can impact the performance of your space's page tree and certain Confluence macros that retrieve pages for display (e.g., Content by Label).
Why the Performance Impact?
Versioned pages in Scroll Versions involve two pages:
Master page: A standard Confluence page that acts as the parent for all page versions.
Change page (dot page): A page version which is a child page of the master page. The change page is the one you see in Confluence page view. Each time you edit a versioned page for the first time in a new version, a new change page is created.
The Scroll page tree ensures that only the correct page version, based on your selection in the version picker, appears in the Confluence page view.
Additionally, Scroll Versions replaces certain commonly used Confluence macros with its own. These macros function similarly but can differentiate between versioned pages to avoid duplicate entries.
The processes of retrieving the Scroll page tree and ensuring correct page display can slow down page tree and macro performance. Some of these affected macros are:
Content by Label
Page Property Report
Children Display
What Can Be Done to Improve the Performance?
To maintain optimal loading times with Scroll Versions, consider the following:
Minimize restrictions in the space.
Avoid having too many child pages.
Adjust macro settings to display only relevant pages.
Manage Confluence caches.
Consider dividing spaces with extensive page trees into smaller, more manageable spaces.
For a detailed guide on performance optimization, see: Improve Performance in Versioned Spaces