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Use the Java API

Make Scroll Versions your own by extending its functionality using the Scroll Content Management API.

By implementing the Scroll Content Management API in your custom Java app, you can:

  • Take action based off events within the Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations lifecycle

  • Access some functionality of Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations programmatically

Events within the API are page related, like when the page is modified or added to a version, and space related, like when a variant is created or a version is published. Components provide access to data managed by the Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations as well as features like exporting and importing translations.


Using the Scroll Content Management API, you can implement functionality that doesn't exist within Scroll Versions and Scroll Translations. Here are examples of custom functionality you could implement:

Reviewer notifications

For a team with many documentation reviewers, you may want to automate notifications for these reviewers so they know when new content is ready for their attention. With the Scroll Content Management API, you can send an email to all designated reviewers when a page is moved to the "Review" workflow status. See the "Getting started" section for a tutorial version of this example.

Translation export and distribution

For a team working with documentation in multiple languages, when they update a page in the source language, you can use the Scroll Content Management API to automatically export and send the page for translation by a third party and provide a way for them to import the translation when it's complete.

Documentation update notifications

If your team wants to instantly share documentation updates with customers, you can use the Scroll Content Management API to send an email when a space version is published.

In this example, you could send different email notifications for internal and external documentation updates. You could also send the email using your choice of solutions, like with an email marketing platform.

Get started

To get started:

We're always improving the Scroll Content Management API so developers can extend the functionality of Scroll Versions and Scroll translations. If you want something added to the Scroll Content Management API, contact K15t support and let us know.

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