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Add a Sitemap

A sitemap is helpful in getting your help center properly indexed by search machines. The Help Center theme can add a sitemap.xml to your Help Center that is generated on the fly as it is accessed.

Add a sitemap to a content space

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page in your help center space.
  2. Add the label "scroll-help-center-sitemap" to that page.
  3. Copy the Viewport URL of that page and submit it as a sitemap URL for example in Google Search Console.

Sitemap pages are automatically hidden in the page trees an other navigation.

Add a sitemap to a portal space

If you have a multi-space help center, it makes sense to generate a sitemap for each space as specified above and then provide an index of all sitemaps in the portal space.

Follow these steps to add a sitemap to your Help Center portal:

  1. Create a new page in your help center portal space.
  2. Add the label "scroll-help-center-sitemap-index" to that page.
  3. Copy the Viewport URL of that page and submit it as a sitemap index to Google Search Console.

If you have actual content in the portal space that you would like to index, follow the Add a sitemap to a content space steps to create a dedicated sitemap.xml for the portal space.

Exclude a page from sitemap

To exclude any page from being listed in sitemaps or being indexed by search engines in general, add the label "scroll-help-center-no-index". This will omit the page from sitemaps and add a meta tag that makes sure search engines don't index that page.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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