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Automatically generate a TOC using page headings

A table of contents (TOC) can make page navigation much easier for users.

Luckily, Confluence includes a TOC macro – however, it must be added manually to every page. The approach described here shows you how to make the Viewport theme automatically generate a TOC based on a page's headings.


TOC generation is based on the jQuery TOC plugin.

Download and include the plugin in your theme.

See Referencing JS/CSS and Image Files for more information.

Add a list to your template

This will contain all of your page's headings.

Place the following code to the template where the TOC should appear:

<ul data-toc></ul>

That's it. This is everything needed to display a TOC.

More options

If you want to generate a TOC based on a certain part of the page, you can pass the containing element as option:

<ul data-toc=".article"></ul>

Additionally, you can choose to only generate a TOC for just a few heading levels.

<ul data-toc data-toc-headings="h2,h3,h4"></ul>

Of course you can combine the options.

You can find more information on the options at the TOC jquery plugin site.

Smooth scrolling

For a smoother scrolling experience, you can include zenscroll. This enables users to glide to each section rather than jumping straight there.

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