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Create links

You can create links to other pages using the $link placeholder:

Linking to a page

<a href="$"pageTitle")">Link_to_page</a>

You can also link to a page in a specific space:

Linking to a page in another space

<a href="$"spaceKey", "pageTitle")">Link_to_page_in_other_space</a>

During rendering, Scroll Viewport replaces the placeholder with a generated link. For more information, see the complete reference of the $link placeholder.

Sometimes you have to fetch some information from other pages, such as children or the next or previous page.

This will retrieve a page with all the methods and properties a usual PagePlaceholder has.

#set($otherPage = $"Other Page"))

You can also add the space to this function in the same way as with the $link placeholder.

You can also retrieve a page's children pages, parent page and next and previous pages.

Chapter navigation

#if( $ )
    <a href="$">$</a> 
#if( $page.prev )
    <a href="$page.prev.absoluteLink">$page.prev.title</a>

If you want to retrieve only pages at the same level, you can use the following snippet:

#if ($page.parent.children.contains($page.prev) && $page.prev) 
	<a href="$page.prev.absoluteLink">$page.prev.title</a> 

The Add breadcrumbs uses $page.ancestors. More information can be found in the PagePlaceholder docs.

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