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Integrate with Comala Document Management

Comala Document Management is a Confluence app that allows you to have full control of your Confluence pages with simple or complex approval processes.

You can integrate Comala Document Management with Scroll Word Exporter. This gives you the option to only export content that has been approved through Comala Document Management, and has been published to the final workflow state. This state can be any workflow state with the final:true parameter, regardless of the state's name.

This guide explains how to integrate Comala Document Management and Scroll Word Exporter, and how to activate this export option, to make sure only approved pages get exported.

Initial steps

Before you start, you must fulfill the following prerequisites:

Export only content published to the final Comala Workflow state

Now, the Export only the last published versions of the pages option is available in the Scroll Word Exporter export dialog at Show details > Content > Comala Document Management:

Options appear greyed out?

  • If you have followed the initial steps above and the Comala Document Management options remain greyed out in the export dialogue this will likely be because the latest version of the page is not selected
  • If you have followed the initial steps above and the Comala Document Management options remain greyed out template editor this will likely be because a global export template is being configured (not compatible) rather than a space export template

Export behavior

Option selectedBehavior

Only approved pages in the final Comala workflow state will be exported


The Word export will include all pages in the scope of the export, and the latest version of the pages' content – irrespective of whether it has been approved with Comala Document Management

Hide the workflow header and footer

The option to Hide the workflow header and footer is available in the Word export dialog at Show details > Content > Comala Document Management:

Export behavior

Option selected



Workflow headers defined through the headertemplate/footertemplate parameters, or by using the workflow code with the pageheader and pagefooter macros, will be hidden in the Word export.


The Word export will include the defined workflow header and/or footer.

Activate these setting by default (custom templates only)

By default, both Comala Document Management settings are deactivated – for custom Word templates, you can define these setting to be activated by default for exports executed with that template.

To do so, select the Export only the last published versions of the pages or Hide the workflow header and footer template settings in the template editor.

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