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Draft actions

Please make sure to read the Introduction to the REST API before starting to use it.

This page describes all rest endpoints which are related to configure a synchronization.

GET/integrations/{integrationKey}/draftReturns the draft for this synchronization.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draftCreates a new draft for this synchronization.
DELETE/integrations/{integrationKey}/draftDeletes the draft for this synchronization.
GET/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/conflictsGets the conflicts for this draft.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/publishPublishes the changes of this draft into the synchronization.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/issueTypeMappingsAdds an issuetype mapping.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/issueTypeMappings/bulkAdds multiple issuetype mappings.
PUT/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/issueTypeMappingsEdits an issuetype mapping.
DELETE/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/issueTypeMappingsDeletes an issuetype mapping.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldMappingsAdds a field mapping.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldMappings/bulkAdds multiple field mappings.
PUT/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldMappingsEdits a field mapping.
DELETE/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldMappingsDeletes a field mapping.
POST/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldDefaults/{connectorKey}Adds a field default mapping.
PUT/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldDefaults/{connectorKey}/{fieldDefaultKey}Edit the field default mapping.
DELETE/integrations/{integrationKey}/draft/fieldDefaults/{connectorKey}/{fieldDefaultKey}Delete the field default mapping.

Detailed description

Get draft

GET /integrations/{integrationKey}/draft

Retrieve the current draft of a single Backbone synchronization. It will respond with HTTP 404 if no draft exists for this synchronization.

URL ParameterDescriptionDefaultRequired
integrationKeyKey of the Backbone synchronization. You can get this from the "get synchronizations" endpoint.-(tick)

Example Response

The endpoint will return all details about the current draft with the given integrationKey.


Create draft

POST /integrations/{integrationKey}/draft

Create a draft for the given synchronization. It will respond with HTTP 400 if a draft already exists for this synchronization.

URL ParameterDescriptionDefaultRequired
integrationKey Key of the Backbone synchronization. - (tick)

You don't need to provide a body with your request.

Example Result

The endpoint will return all details about the newly created draft.


Delete draft

DELETE /integrations/{integrationKey}/draft

Delete the current draft of a single Backbone synchronization. It will respond with HTTP 404 if no draft exists for this synchronization.

URL ParameterDescriptionDefaultRequired
integrationKey Key of the Backbone synchronization. - (tick)

You don't need to provide a body with your request.

Example Result

The endpoint will return a HTTP 200 response.

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