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Backbone Issue Sync 3.0.94-AC

March 2023

The Backbone team is pleased to introduce Backbone Issue Sync 3.0.94-AC.

This release includes an enhancement for attachments sync in Jira Service Management (JSM) projects, as well as some UI improvements and bug fixes.

Control How Attachments in JSM Projects Are Synced: Internal/Public

In Jira Service Management (JSM), the privacy settings (either public or internal) of the attachment in your ticket is dependent on the privacy settings of the JSM comment it accompanies. Until now, Backbone didn’t allow you to define different privacy settings for attachments based on the associated comments' settings; you had to either make all of them public or internal.

With the new release, your attachment’s privacy settings will be defined by the relevant comment’s settings (public or internal), thus giving you more granular control over your data. You can find more information on how to set it up in this help article.

You can use this feature even if your configuration with attachment syncs are from older Backbone versions. However, a message will be shown if the comment synchronization is disabled or differ from the attachment synchronization direction. You can either disable the attachment synchronization or change the comment’s synchronization direction. We recommend synchronizing comments in the same direction as the attachments.

Other Updates and Improvements

Backbone has also released various smaller updates and improvements.

Identify Required Fields Before Saving a Configuration

When starting the configuration for a sync, you will now see a warning message if the selected issue types have any missing required fields. As indicated by this message, these required fields will have to be set up in the field mappings or default field mappings tab before publishing the synchronization draft.

Lower Configuration Errors Thanks To Improved Field Mapping

Some field mappings require additional input. For instance, if you want to set up a sprints field mapping, you need to select a board. With this improvement, you’ll not be allowed to save a missing field without giving the additional required input. This will help in reducing errors that pop up later when running the configuration.


Do you have questions, or is something not working as expected? Please let us know and create a ticket in our support system or write an email to

All updates and fixes in this release

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Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

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