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Cloud & Server Differences

Learn about the differences between the Server and Cloud versions of Scroll PDF Exporter.


Scroll Macros 

When installing Scroll PDF Exporter on Confluence Server/Data Center, the Scroll Exporter macros come bundled automatically and will be available after the installation. This differs to Confluence Cloud, where, to gain access to the Scroll Macros you would need to separately install the free Scroll Exporter Extensions app (after installing the macros will become available after a few minutes).

Legend(tick) – Available | (error) – Unavailable | (warning) – Partially available

MacroDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
Scroll Page titleMakes Scroll overwrite the page title on export. (tick)


On Cloud, this macro is not available.

Instead, use the Scroll Page Title dialog by going to the Page tools menu (•••)  > Set Scroll Page Title

Scroll App specific macros

For users of Scroll PDF Exporter 4.1 (and older), you may have used macros specific to individual exporters on your Confluence pages (eg. Scroll-PDF-Ignore). Since EXP-32 we have made changes to these Scroll macros so they are not app-specific.(tick)


On Cloud, these macros will not be made available. However, since the release of Scroll PDF Exporter 5.1 (and later) we have implemented a migration tool that users can run on their server/DC Confluence instance to turn the Scroll App specific macros into a cloud compatible version. Learn more about how to use this tool here.

Template placeholders 

PlaceholderDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
Content propertyA custom content property(tick)(error)Content properties are not available on Confluence Cloud and therefore this placeholder is not available. Potential alternatives include using either the JSON content property placeholder or Page property placeholder.

Administrative features

FeatureDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
Option to restrict the export optionChoose which spaces and/or user groups have the option to export content with Scroll PDF Exporter.(tick)


A number of settings pertaining to export generation;

  • Limit the number of pages that can be exported by Scroll PDF Exporter
  • Configure Scroll PDF Exporter to perform the 'Rendering PDF' step in a separate external JVM process
  • Configure Scroll PDF Exporter to use a segmentation mode to reduce the amount of memory consumed when rendering a PDF
  • Configure how many worker threads are available for handling export requests
(tick)(error)These features are not available on Confluence Cloud as they pertain to on-premise Confluence (self-hosted) deployments to influence memory consumption and export generation.
Show/hide the native Confluence PDF export option Show or hide Confluence's built-in PDF exporter in the page tools (•••)(tick)(error)Marketplace apps are not able to influence this option on Confluence Cloud

Export options

FeatureDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
Export to PDF via Java APIPerform exports in your custom Java app using our public Scroll Exporter Java API(tick)(error)Due to the technical setup of apps on Confluence Cloud a Java API is not available (since Cloud apps are not running on the same Confluence instance anymore). Users should use the REST API instead (once available).


Template placeholders 

FeatureDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
MetadataAdd a custom metadata value (defined in the Metadata app)(tick)(error)Comala Metadata is not available on Confluence Cloud
Scroll Content ManagementRefers to any of our Scroll content management placeholders available through Scroll Versions and/or Scroll Translations apps.(tick)(error)Scroll Versions and Translations are not available for Confluence Cloud, see here for more information.
Comala Document ManagementRefers to any workflow state placeholder when integrating Comala Document Management with Scroll PDF Exporter(tick)(error)
Custom template placeholdersRefers to the custom template API that can be used by third-party apps to add their own template placeholders to the Scroll PDF Exporter.(tick)(error)If you are interested in implementing custom placeholders on Confluence Cloud please let us know via

Export options

FeatureDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
Export using Comala Document Management integration Integrate with Comala Document Management to only export content that has been approved through every step of a Comala Workflow, and has been published to the final workflow state.(tick)


Scroll Apps

FeatureDescriptionServer / Data CenterCloudDetails
Scroll Viewport for Confluence CloudIntegrate with Scroll Viewport for Confluence Cloud to start a Scroll PDF Export via a Scroll Viewport site.(tick)


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