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Add/Edit a Versioned Page

When you add a new page, you can specify that page's version by selecting the version in the Version Dropdown. Your new page then exists in the version you specified and subsequent versions.

Adding or editing a page in a new version will create an actual new Confluence page, which is saved using a specific naming convention (explained in the Glossary), and hidden in the page tree.

The default Confluence search doesn't work seamlessly with the way Scroll Versions saves versioned pages, as all of these "dot pages" are displayed in the search results. See: VSN-4130

However, the versioned pages will only be displayed in the search results for users with a Scroll Versions specific role. Readers will not see those pages in the search result.

When you edit a versioned page, your edits are applied to the selected version and all subsequent versions based on it (if the page has been edited in a newer version, the edited page and all newer versions will not inherit the changes), until you decide to remove the page in any version. If the page does not exist in the version you select, it is grayed out in the page tree.

Versioned pages are view-restricted to the groups specified in Scroll Versions roles. This is why links directly to page versions ("dot pages") don't work when shared with anyone outside those groups.

For further information about linking in spaces managed with Scroll Versions, read Link to Pages in a Versioned Space.

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