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Detail Layout

Customize the space home page using the detail layout.

Top Area

The detail layout includes many components with information about the space. This layout presents a lot of different options at once, and is especially useful when using a multi-space help center.

Top area of detailed layout with highlighted components which can be changed.

Theme settings

NameTypeExample valueComments
Filenamemy-banner.pngIf this setting isn't set, the area is filled with the header color. Ideally we recommend using an SVG image, since it's fully scalable. If not possible, use as large an image as possible without going over 200-500 KB in size.
  • blog
  • label
If this setting isn't set, the news section doesn't display.
Free textRelease NotesThe heading for the news section.
Free textGet startedIf this setting isn't set, the page title of the marked page displays as the button text.

Confluence data

2. The news section displays either the two most recent blog posts of the space or the first two child pages of a page with the label "scroll-help-center-news-page". Set what displays here using a theme setting.

3. The call to action button links to a page in the current space marked with the label "scroll-help-center-cta-page".

4. The logo is the space logo of the space.

5. This title is the title of the space home page and is also used as the HTML title.

6. The description, which is the content in the Excerpt Macro on the home page in the space. If there is no Excerpt Macro on the home page, the first 40 characters on the page display as the description.

Article Overview

Theme settings

NameTypeExample valueComments
IconcalendarAll available icons and their names are listed here.
Free textRelease NotesIf this setting isn't set, the heading defaults to "News", but only if a news source is set.

Iconbookmark-multiple-outlineAll available icons and their names are listed here.
Free textPinned Pages
Iconcompass-outlineAll available icons and their names are listed here.

Free text

  • accordion
  • tiles
  • list

Only the listed values can be chosen from. In this screenshot 'tiles' is set.

If 'list' is chosen, child pages of the home page which don't have children, won't display.

Confluence data

2. Up to three pages with the label "scroll-help-center-pinned-page" or "scroll-help-center-pinned-page-x" with x being a number from 1 to 3, defining a page's position.
3. All child pages of the home page. Pages with the label "scroll-help-center-exclude-page" and their child pages won't display here.

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