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New Scroll Viewport themes: Give us your feedback!

Like many other customers, we’re sure you’ve already discovered the value that a help center has to educate and support your users and customers. We in the Scroll Viewport team don’t want to stop there. We are exploring other ways to help you enable and share your knowledge with your audience.

We are looking for exciting new themes beyond the help center theme!

As we’re exploring these new theming options for Scroll Viewport, we’re interested in talking to customers who are or have been thinking about the delivery of learning, enablement or training material to their own users or customers.

The session via Zoom won’t take longer than 45 minutes and we would like to use that time to explore how you (or others in your organization) enable, train or help your audience learn - today and in the future. This is a great opportunity to steer future development of the app and also your chance to see first designs of a completely new Scroll Viewport theme.

If this sounds interesting to you, please feel reach out to Laura via We’ll get back to you to find a time that suits you for a call sometime this month.

Do our plans not sound very relevant to you? Please don’t hesitate to reach out anyway and tell us what else we should be considering for the future of our app!

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