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How to Keep URLs as Stable as Possible

If you migrate a Confluence Server space to Confluence Cloud then all pages will get a new page Id.
Since Scroll Viewport resolves a link based on the page Ids, shared links would break once migrated to Confluence Cloud.


Viewport URL for an article in server:
Viewport URL for an article in cloud:

If you want to transition also the custom URL for your documentation (e. g. this concept won't work. Your users will end up on 404 pages of your new Help Center.
The 404 page provides a search bar and a link to the space homepage.

What can I do to keep my URLs stable?

There are several approaches you can do to keep your URLs stable. Depending on your requirements this takes more or less Effort to accomplish.

Setting up fallback redirects

Fallback redirects are based on regular expressions and can be used to redirect whole groups of pages, handle migration scenarios, or create the impression of a certain structure.

They need to be set up in Viewport Cloud, so please check out this page for all the details: Fallback redirects

Setting up a global redirect

The most easiest way would be to setup a global redirect for your Scroll Viewport which redirects from the old documentation to the new documentation.

Setting up redirect via the redirect macro

If you want to redirect on an article level - we recommend to put redirect macros on the single articles.

This of course would require to go through the pages manually one by one.

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