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Change the Page Orientation

Using Confluence Cloud?

You must install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app to use the macro required to follow this guide.

You can change the page orientation in exports using the following macros: 

  • The Scroll Landscape macro enforces a landscape page orientation in exports. 
  • The Scroll Portrait macro enforces a portrait page orientation in exports. 

When using these macros with our compatible exporter apps, the export behaviour will differ: 

Scroll App
Export behaviour
Scroll PDF ExporterThe specific page layout will be applied to all content which immediately follows this macro. The page orientation will be reset to the setting defined in the template at the end of a Confluence page. 
Scroll Word ExporterThe specific page layout will be applied to all content which immediately follows this macro. The page orientation will remain set for the last used macro. This means that additional pages included in the export (e.g. child pages) will be exported using the same page orientation. The page orientation can be switched back by using the opposite macro.

Scroll Landscape and Scroll Portrait macros should not be placed within any other macros or elements (e.g. tables, or page layouts) on a page. If this is performed:

  • Scroll PDF Exporter will try to move the macros but is unable to do so in all cases and the following error message will be printed in the export:  "Error: Incorrectly positioned Scroll Portrait/Landscape macro. See the documentation for more information."
  • Scroll Word Exporter will produce an 'Export failed' error message with an associated link to download.

To prevent these error messages, the Scroll Landscape and Scroll Portrait macros should not be wrapped within any other macro or element.

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