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How can I hide the Export Scheme 'My last export settings' ?


After performing an export with a specific Export Scheme an additional Export Scheme 'My last export settings' is displayed in the Export Scheme dialogue. How can I hide this Export Scheme?


The additional Export Scheme must be hidden via CSS. This can either be done on space level or globally for the whole Confluence system. Before you begin: To hide the additional Export Scheme, you must log in with Space Admin permissions.

  1. Open the specific space you want to hide the last export settings.
  2. Click Browse > Space Admin.
    The Space Administration is displayed.
  3. In the Look and Feel section, click Stylesheets and enter the following CSS:

    .scroll-docbook-export-dialog .export-scheme.last-used {

    (info) If you want to hide the Export Scheme globally, you must log in with Confluence Admin permissions and enter the CSS in the global stylesheet.

  4. Click Save.

The Export Scheme 'My last export settings' is hidden.

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