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Ignoring Content

Please note, there are multiple types of the Scroll Ignore macro:

  • Inline vs. block: The Scroll Ignore macro and the Scroll Only macro always insert a line-break. If you want to ignore content without breaking the line, use the {Scroll ignore inline}-macro or {Scroll only inline}-macro instead.

Content which should be ignored in the Exports 

To ignore content in the export:

  1. Click on the position where you want to insert the macro, enter {scroll ignore and press Enter.
    The {scroll ignore}-macro is inserted in your Confluence page.

  2. Click inside the white field of the inserted macro.

  3. Enter the content you want to be ignored by the Scroll Exporter

Content which should be ignored in Confluence 

To ignore content in Confluence:

  1. Click on the position where you want to insert the macro, enter {scroll only and press Enter.
    The {scroll only}-macro is inserted in your Confluence Page.

  2. Click in the white field of the inserted macro.
  3. Enter the content you want to be ignored in Confluence

Ignore a whole page from being exported 

To ignore a whole page from being ignored in an export:

  1. Set up a label for pages that you want to exclude from your export. For example: exclude.
  2. Label all pages you want to exclude.
  3. Open your export scheme and click This page and all children with label ...
  4. Enter ^exclude to exclude all pages labeled with exclude from the export.

All pages with the label exclude are now excluded from the export.

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