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Convert a Space to a Scroll Document

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to convert a content-filled space or a sub-section of a page tree into a Scroll Document. If your space is part of a Viewport site, you'll also learn how this can elevate your documentation. Additionally, you'll find a list of things to keep in mind when managing a space or a page tree as a document.

Benefits of Converting a Space to a Scroll Document

Converting a space to a Document offers various advantages, particularly if you have an existing Scroll Viewport site with the space serving as a content source. With Scroll Documents you can manage and publish:

In the following section you’ll learn how to turn your space into a Scroll Document.

How to Enable Scroll Documents for an Entire Space

To make your entire space a part of a Scroll Document, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the space you want to convert into a Scroll Document.

  2. Click on the space name to go to the home page of the space.

  3. Click on the Document toolbox at the top of the page.

  4. Click on Enable Scroll Documents.


All of the pages in your space are now part of a single Scroll Document. Scroll down to Things to Keep In Mind after Enabling Scroll Documents to learn about important things to keep in mind as you manage your space as a document.

How to Enable Scroll Documents for a sub-section of a Page Tree

To make a sub section of your page tree a part of a document, follow the steps below:

  1. In your space sidebar, find the page tree that makes up your subset of pages.

  2. Click on the parent page of that page tree.

  3. Click on the Document toolbox

  4. Select Enable Scroll Documents.

Well done!

All of the pages located below that page are now part of one single Scroll Document. Scroll down to Things to Keep In Mind after Enabling Scroll Documents to learn about important things to keep in mind as you manage your page tree as a document.

Things to Keep In Mind after Enabling Scroll Documents

Here are some important points to keep in mind when managing a space or a part of a page tree as a document:

  • New documents:

    • If you enabled Scroll Documents for a sub-section of a page tree you can still create more documents in the space.

    • If you enabled Scroll Documents for the entire space, you won’t be able to create new Scroll Documents in the space.
      (info) Note: If you have accidentally enabled Scroll Documents on the space level you can undo it by following these steps: Delete a Document and its Versions

  • New versions: Any versions you save will be stored under a “Versions of..” page outside of the visible page tree of the space.

  • Document Details:

    • If you enabled Scroll Documents for the entire space, the document will have the same name as the title of your space's home page.

    • If you enabled Scroll Documents for a sub-section of your page tree, the document will have the same title as the parent page of that page tree.

    • If necessary, you can modify the document name, cover image, and summary by editing the document details in the Document Manager. For more information, refer to: Define and Edit Document Details

  • Visibility of Changes: Any changes you make to the document details will be visible on both the content source page and portal page of your Viewport site.

  • Exclusion of Pages: Pages located above the root page of the document in the hierarchy will not be included in your newly created Scroll Document.

For steps on how to replace your Confluence space with a Scroll Document as a content source, refer to Scroll Viewport’s extended documentation on this topic. See: Checklist: Replacing a Confluence space with a Scroll Document

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