Add Placeholders
Besides static content, you can also add placeholders. Placeholders reference metadata, and insert this metadata into content boxes. To add placeholder, click the + icon in the toolbar and choose your placeholder from the available list. Alternatively, you also add placeholders via the / or { keyboard shortcuts.

Default placeholders
The following placeholders are available to all PDF exporter users:
Name | Description | Settings |
Chapter Heading | Displays the current chapter's heading (Heading 1) | |
Content Property | The specified content property on the root page You cannot set content properties manually by yourself – they are only set by third party add-ons |
Creation date | Displays the creation date of the current page |
Creator Username | Displays the username of the creator of the current page |
Creator Full Name | Displays the full name of the creator of the current page |
Current page number | Displays the number of the current page in this document |
Document Creation Date | Displays the creation date of the exported root page | |
Document Creator Username | Displays the username of the creator of the exported root page |
Document Creator Full Name | Displays the full name of the creator of the exported root page |
Document Labels | Include the Confluence page labels of the export root page |
Document Last Modifier Username | Displays the username of the last modifier of the exported root page |
Document Last Modifier Full Name | Displays the full name of the last modifier of the exported root page |
Document Last Modification Date | Displays the last modification date of the exported root page |
Document Owner Full Name | Displays the full name of the owner of the export root page |
Document Owner Username | Displays the username of the owner of the export root page |
Document Page ID | Displays the ID of the exported root page | |
Document Page Count | Displays the total number of pages in this document | Choose the page numbering format - numbers, letters or roman numerals |
Document Revision | Displays the revision of the exported root page | |
Document Title | Displays the page title of the exported root page | |
Document URL | Displays the document's Confluence URL |
Export Date | Displays the date when the export was created |
Export User Username | Displays the username of the user who performed the export |
Export User Full Name | Displays the full name of the user who performed the export |
Include page | Insert the content of a certain page |
Index | Displays an index with the index terms you defined for this export |
JSON Content Property | The specified JSON content property on the root page. This refers to properties available at:
The placeholder returns the contents of the | (Optional) Specify a JSON Pointer to extract a specific field of a JSON structure. The path/JSON pointer of the content needs to be defined with a forward slash. For example, if the
Then you may use paths like these to extract the following values:
Last Modification Date | The last modification date of the current page |
Last Modifier Username | Displays the username of the last modifier of the current page |
Last Modifier Full Name | Displays the full name of the last modifier of the current page |
Metadata | The specified Metadata value on the root page (Server / Data Center versions only) |
Page Content State | Displays the state of the current page or blogpost |
Page ID | Displays the ID of the current page |
Page Labels | Include the Confluence page labels of the current page |
Page Owner Full Name | Displays the full name of the owner of the current page |
Page Owner Username | Displays the username of the owner of the current page |
Page Revision | Displays the revision of the current page. |
Page Property | Displays the specified page property on the root page |
Page Title | Displays the current page title |
PDF Author | Displays the value that is set in the PDF Author parameter within the Export Properties | |
PDF Keywords | Displays the value that is set in the PDF Keywords parameter within the Export Properties | |
PDF Subject | Displays the value that is set in the PDF Subject parameter within the Export Properties | |
PDF Title | Displays the value that is set in the PDF Title parameter within the Export Properties | |
Space Description | Displays the description of the space that contains the exported pages | |
Space Key | Displays the Confluence space key for the exported pages | |
Space logo | The logo of the exported space (or a fallback logo if none is defined) |
Space Name | Displays the name of the Confluence space that the content belongs to | |
Section Heading | Displays the current section's heading (Heading 2) |
Table of contents | Displays a table of contents for the document |
Table of Figures | Displays a table of figures for the document |
Table of Tables | Displays a table of tables for the document |
Table of Codes | Displays a table of code blocks for the document |
Table of Equations | Displays a table of equations for the document |
Template Title | Prints the name of the export template | |
Template Last Modification Date | Displays the last modification date of the export template used |
Scroll Document placeholders
If you are using Scroll Documents you can use the following placeholders in your template:
Name | Description | Settings |
Document ID (Scroll Documents) | Displays the ID of the exported document |
Document Title (Scroll Documents) | Displays the title of the exported Scroll Document |
Language (Scroll Documents) | Displays the language of the exported version |
Variant Name (Scroll Documents) | Displays the name of the exported variant |
Version Name (Scroll Documents) | Displays the name of the exported version |
Version Saved Date (Scroll Documents) | Displays the ID of the exported version |
Version Status (Scroll Documents) | Displays the status of the exported version |