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Override the Confluence Page Title in Exports

To follow this guide, you must first install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app

You must install the Scroll Exporter Extensions app to use the macros required to follow this guide.

You can override the Confluence page title in exports through an option in the page tools. This is useful because page titles in Confluence have to be unique within a space – so being able to overwrite them gives you more flexibility in naming pages in your export.

To do this, simply click on the page tools icon •••, and select Set Scroll Page Title.

You can then enter the page title you want to have displayed in your exports. Now in your exports, the page title is overwritten with the defined page title.

Please note that if you are using Scroll Documents this feature is not accessible from the ••• menu in the Document Viewer. We hope to introduce this functionality soon and you can track its progress here: EXP-2859

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