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How to hide content on pages from being displayed in Viewport

Prevent internal knowledge or comments from showing on the pages in your Viewport.

When you publish a space to Viewport, we recommend that you keep that content in Confluence clear of any knowledge or information that should not be shown in your Viewport.

Separating internal and external content in such a clear way is not always possible or practical. Often internal users (e.g professional services or customer success teams) also consume the help pages, but would benefit from seeing additional information and comments on those same pages (e.g. known issues, planned improvements or further links).

In this How-To article you will learn how you can structure your content in such a way that users who access a page via the Viewport, see a more limited version of your content, while those users who access the page in Confluence see an enhanced version of the content.

You can choose between four methods. Please note, the method using macro overrides will only work when using a custom Viewport theme.

Using page includes

Page includes to pages that only logged in users can access can be used to hide information. This content does not show up in the Viewport search for users that do not have access to the included page (e.g. anonymous users).

Create a page with limited access only for your own users, then use the Include Page macro to show this content wherever you want.

Using comments

Comments in Confluence are not transferred to Viewport. This can be used to hide additional information from being seen by customers.

Using Scroll Remote Publishing Endpoint

Using the Scroll Remote Publishing Endpoint set up one Confluence instance with a variant. Use a Conditional Content macro that is always hidden in that variant and publish it to the space with the actual Viewport via the endpoint.

Using macro overrides (only for Viewports with custom themes)

This method uses a macro to hide content. It requires that you use a custom developed theme as you will need to create a file that overrides the macro.

  1. Users who have installed Scroll PDF, Word or HTML Exporter can insert their content in the Scroll ignore macro (comes with those apps) and override the macro by creating an empty override file in their theme (the file would be called scroll-ignore.vm).

  2. Users without access to the Scroll ignore macro would need to create a custom macro and then override the macro by creating an empty override file in their theme (using the name of the macro as the filename).

Please note: Using this method, your content will not show on the page in Viewport but will still be listed in the Viewport search results.

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