The theme list take too long to load when configuring a Viewport or in the general Themes overview
In case you have a large number of Viewport themes, you might experience extended loading times for the Viewport themes when entering the Viewport configuration menu or the Themes overview page.
It might be necessary to do some cache tuning to prevent long loading times.
Steps on how to change the theme cache size:
Navigate to Cache Management in the General Configuration
Click “Show advanced view”
Search for
and click “Adjust Size” on the right side of the table.Try setting that value to a higher number, this might need some tuning. This will affect how much memory this cache takes up. In case you cannot find a suitable number, try to set it to the number of Viewport themes you have plus a little bit of buffer. Please note that the size of the cache depends on your instance’s theme sizes and amount, as well as the amount of allocated memory in your instance. Therefore, we cannot recommend a concrete number.
You can find out more about cache tuning here: