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Cloud & Data Center Differences

Learn about the differences between Data Center and Cloud versions of Backbone Issue Sync.

In general, all features are the same. That means, you can synchronize the same issue types, field mappings, comments and attachments. The main differences is in how you set up the synchronization. You can find more details about that in the table below.


Cloud <> Cloud

Data Center <> Cloud

Data Center <> Data Center

Access to synchronization

Both instances

Depends on where you set up the sync: either Cloud or Data Center

One of the Data Center instances

Set up the synchronization

Both instances

Depends on where you set up the sync: either Cloud or Data Center

One of the Data Center instances

Remote License

Installed on one of the instances

Installed on one of the instances

Installed on one of the instances

Synchronization over email/file exchange



Can be used

Making use of a self defined sync user


Has to be used

Has to be used

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