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How Scroll Handles Headings

When parsing a tree of wiki pages, the Scroll Exporters convert both the page hierarchy and the headings within a page into hierarchical sections. This behavior can be changed in the Export Settings.

As Confluence does not enforce proper ordering of headings (heading 2 can come before heading 1, etc.), the Exporters use an algorithm to create a sensible hierarchy in every case. This page explains the algorithm.

Finding the Correct Hierarchy and Level

In order to create a hierarchy of sections, the Scroll Exporters will set the highest level of heading on a page, when it detects the first heading. All subsequent headings cannot be of higher level as this first heading, and will therefore be sorted in on a lower level as they actually are. For example:

h2. Heading 1

h1. Heading 2

h2. Heading 3

In this example Heading 2 and Heading 1 will be on highest level. Heading 3 will be one level below. This is because, Heading 1 set the highest level, and Heading 2 cannot be higher. However, Heading 3 has a lower level as Heading 2 and comes after Heading 2 - therefore it will be on level below Heading 2.

The hierarchy in the table of contents will be:

Heading 1
Heading 2
   Heading 3

Heading Promotion

During the development and testing of the Scroll Exporters, we found out that many users create a single highest-level heading on top of every page, which basically repeats the title of the wiki page. This leads to an (in most cases) unwanted additional level in the hierarchy. Scroll Exporters therefore remove this additional hierarchy level by using the first, highest-level heading on the page and omitting the page title.

For example: We have a page called "Installation", which has the structure as follows:

h1. Installation Guide

h2. Prerequisites

h2. Step-by-step

h2. Trouble-Shooting

In this case the page title "Installation" will be omitted, instead we use "Installation Guide" as the title of the section. That way we get a table of contents like the following:

Installation Guide

Without this special handling, the table of contents would look like the following:

  Installation Guide

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