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How concurrent edits are handled

This article explains how Backbone handles concurrent edits – when an issue is edited in both synced projects at the same time.

Default behavior

Backbone analyzes all changes on a field level. If the changes happen to different fields of the issue, Backbone applies the changes in both issues. If one field is modified in the synced issue on both sides, Backbone applies different behaviours based on the synchronization direction of this field mapping:

  • Bidirectional field mappings
    Backbone identifies which change is newer and only accepts the latest change . This way you experience the same behaviour as you would if you worked on the same issue in the same project.
  • Unidirectional field mapping
    Backbone overwrites the field value in the target issue. We strongly recommend to not edit fields for which you've setup a unidirectional field mapping to sync to. Changes to this field would be overwritten by subsequent synchronizations anyways.

Advanced behavior

By activating the Advanced Settings sync.responsibilityConfiguration and sync.automaticConflictResolution, you can enable a more pessimistic locking approach. Using this mechanism, only one side is allowed to make changes - and not both sides.

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