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Define whether comments are synchronized between instances.

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Comments will be added or edited by the synchronization user. Therefore changes by different users in the partner project will appear as synchronization user changes.

Syncing a User Mention

Backbone is capable of resolving a @user mention to a user handle if the user exists in both projects under the same email.


It is currently not possible to resolve a @user mention when the user is configured as a JSM Customer. Resolving the user handle is only possible for JSM Agents.


If you like to have more details about the actual author and timepoint of the comment, you can activate the enrichment where you can specify a velocity template which will generate the comment content. An enrichment must be enclosed by ${ ... } like in the default template. For enrichments the following template variables are available:



The actual content of the comment.

comment.authorThe display name of the user who wrote the comment.
comment.authorEmailThe email address of the user who wrote the comment.
comment.addTimeThe time when this comment has been added

The time when this comment was added, expressed with a custom date format.

For a list of available date formatting options, see the Java docs

comment.editorThe display name of the user who edited the comment.
comment.editorEmailThe email address of the user who edited the comment.
comment.editTimeThe time when this comment has been edited.

The time when this comment has been edited, expressed with a custom date format.

For a list of available date formatting options, see the Java docs


The visibility of a Jira ServiceManagement comment, either public or internal. Please use this option only in JSD scenarios.

timeZoneThe timezone in readable form (helpful when your partner project uses a different time zone than you).

Deletion behavior

  • If a comment has been added in project A and later deleted in project A, the comment would also be deleted in project B.
  • If a comment has been added in project A and later deleted in project B, the comment will not be deleted in project A. If this comment is then edited in project A, it will be recreated in project B.
  • Whenever comments are edited in the project where they have been created originally, the corresponding comments in the other project will be updated (overwritten).

Only synchronize certain comments

It's possible to configure JIRA so that only certain comments you make are synchronized to the partner instance.

  1. Create a group, e.g. 'Internal', and assign all users of the internal JIRA to it except the synchronization user.
  2. Switch your JIRA's comment visibility so that Groups & Project Roles are allowed.
  3. For every comment you only want to see internally, restrict it to the group 'Internal'.
  4. For every comment that should be public, no restriction should be applied.

With this configuration in place, the synchronization user can not see the internal comments anymore and will not synchronize them to the public JIRA.
Note that this is not possible in Jira Service Management as comment visibility can only be set to share with a customer or internal.

Jira Service Management

In Jira Service Management there are two sorts of comments: Internal and Public. With Backbone, you can define which type of comments you want to synchronize. You can find more information below or you can check out our example use cases for Jira Service Management.

Jira Service Management <> Jira Service Management

You can choose for each type of comment in the dropdown if it should be synchronized to "Internal", "Public" or "Ignore". Ignore means that the comment will not be synchronized. By default, Internal comments are synced to Internal comments and Public comments are ignored.

Jira Service Management <> Jira Software

You can choose to receive the comments from the Jira Software project either as Internal, Public or ignore them. For the comments from the Service Management project, you can choose to either sync the Internal and Public comments to a comment in the software project of choose "Ignore". As an addition, you can also make only certain issues public. You can do this as follows:

  1. Sync the comment from the software project to "Internal" or "Ignore"
  2. Check the box for "Make a specific comment public in the service desk project"
  3. Set a phrase, e.g. as in the example below "Sync to Public"
  4. Publish the draft

Now, all issues will be set to Internal or will be ignored. Only when the issue contains the specified phrase, the comment will be made public in the service desk project. The phrase will be removed from the synced comment.

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