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Username Deprecation Notice

In 2018, Atlassian has announced to remove usernames and user keys for Jira Cloud. This change is affecting how you are synchronizing user data with Backbone Issue Sync. The transition period until everyone needs to be prepared will end in April 2019. We have worked hard in the last weeks and months to keep the compatibility with Jira Cloud and help you with an easy transition. Recent releases already contained some upgrades to prepare a smooth transition when the period ends.

Are you affected?

We strive to make everything as easy as possible for you. Nevertheless, you need to take action if you are synchronizing between Jira Cloud and Jira Cloud or between Jira Server and Jira Cloud, whereas synchronizations between Jira Server and Jira Server are not affected. Furthermore, you have to react in case:

  • you have configured a field mapping to synchronize user fields like Assignee, Reporter, Watchers, a User Picker field or other custom user fields;
  • or you are using a JQL filter which is filtering your synchronization based on a user field like Assignee, Reporter, Watchers, a User Picker field or other custom user fields.

Necessary Actions

In order to be prepared for the end of the transition period, we strongly suggest to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that all of your synchronization configurations are correct. This means you should double-check for each configuration if all field mappings for user fields are still correctly configured. With the last releases we have already migrated the user information which we store for a configuration. However, if you encounter any wrong or empty fields in a user field mapping configuration, then please correct these mistakes. This could be for example an empty fallback user which should have been set, but now it's missing.
  2. Please also double-check that your JQL filter is correctly prepared. We have introduced a Verify button which will help you to write a JQL matching the new user data for Jira Cloud. It replaces all usernames from the JQL with the related account id. Please read more in this article.
  3. If you are synchronizing Jira Server and Jira Cloud, you can test if your configuration works by simulating the end of the transition period. See the section below for more details.

Preparation & Testing

In order to successfully prepare and test your synchronizations before the transition period ends, we are offering an option to you which you can enable to simulate the end of the transition period. We strongly suggest that you first test this on your test systems or test projects, before testing it in a production environment. However, please note that this option is only available for customers who are synchronizing Jira Server and Jira Cloud - hence synchronizations between Jira Cloud and Jira Cloud can not use this option.

Enable Test Mode 

The option to enable the test mode is a REST API endpoint, i.e. you can not find it in our user interface. You can call the REST API like this:

POST  {JIRA_BASE_URL} /plugins/servlet/backbone-issue-sync/api/1/integrations/{integrationKey}/forceaccountid

Where JIRA_BASE_URL is your Jira base url and the integrationKey is the key of the synchronization you want to test. The option is enabled as long as you either disable it again (see below) or disable/enable Backbone Issue Sync in your Jira where the synchronization is configured.

Body parameter

Simply provide a String with the following values:

  • true → enable the GDPR-compliant mode
  • false → disable the GDPR-compliant mode


  • 200 OK → will return the same value as posted in the body
  • 400 Bad Request → occurs if the value was neither true nor false

How to use it

  • Please take a look at our articles about how to authenticate with our REST API.
  • Get the integrationKey of your synchronization by listing all the integrations and find yours, for example INT-2.
  • Use the same Jira base url as you're using in your synchronization configuration, for example http://localhost:8510.
  • Use a REST client like Postman (or curl on the command line) to execute a HTTP POST request to the URL http://localhost:8510/plugins/servlet/backbone-issue-sync/api/1/integrations/INT-2/forceaccountid by specifying the body value as true of false


Is something not working as expected? Please let us know and create a ticket in our support system or write an email to

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