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Trigger a resync

Backbone synchronizes every change which is being performed on an issue which is already under synchronization. Additionally, it picks up new issues which qualify to be in the synchronization set. Sometimes, it is desired to synchronize the current state of an issue although no change occurred. These scenarios might be:

  • You've added a field mapping (and you want all issues to get synchronized with it right now)
  • You've changed a field mapping (and you want all issues to get synchronized with it right now)
  • You have a message in the troubleshooting which is being caused by a misconfigured field mapping on the sender's project side.

How to perform a resync

You can find the menu entry for the resync in the "..." menu in the top right corner when you are viewing a single synchronization. If it is disabled, make sure that your synchronization is running.

If you have defined fallback users on both sides of your synchronization, make sure to exclude those user fields from the resync (see step 2.), as the user fields will be changed by the resync otherwise.

  1. Please choose the direction from which project to which project you want to send the updates.
  2. Select the fields to resynchronize
    You should only select the fields you are interested in, so that backbone only sends the changed fields of the issues selected in step 3.
  3. Restrict the issues which will be resynchronized
    You should restrict the synchronization set to only the issues you want to update via a JQL. If you include issues which have not been changed, a no-op change can appear in the history of the issue.


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